CONGRATULATIONS! The San Diego Art Institute takes great pleasure in informing you that your artwork has been provisionally accepted by this year’s juror for exhibition at SDAI’s 2011/51st International Exhibition.
Your work was selected from a field of 900 artworks from the USA & numerous foreign countries. The exhibition will show a total of 86 selected works of art.
Great News!!! For our Diana Kirkpatrick. We are so proud of her and her amazing work! Good job Diana on your work getting accepted into the exhibit!
In my next few posts I would like to share a few tips on artists approaching Art Galleries. This is just from my experience and does not apply for all galleries. Every gallery is different and has their own set of policies and guidelines, but most are similar.
First off before all else. I highly recommend seeking out a professional, in art education and promotion, to teach you the business side to your art. It may come at a price, but from the proper professional it's worth every penny (it will open doors on a professional level). Also, aid you in avoiding those looks from gallery owners when you go in at the wrong time or when their season is in full swing and you ask for representation.
I am fortunate enough to own a gallery, with my partner, and work as an artist where I have been able to put this valuable information to use. I see the business side everyday, but before it all happened I took the time to educate myself though classes, private and credited. Through education, it taught me how to approach galleries and it prepared myself for the business side of art. You may be the greatest artist in the world, but lacking the business sense makes it a bit more difficult in getting your work out there. An individual I recommend truly has helped my career. She opened my eyes to ideas on how to create a strong bio, artist statement, preparation, and what galleries look for from artists (the business side to art). Her name is Jeanne McCartin,, seek her out she is worth it and trust me you won't be disappointed.
Passing this along; conference founder and director Joanne Mattera, in conjunction with the Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill, are pleased to announce that The Fifth International Encaustic Conference will take place June 3-5, 2011 in Provincetown, Massachusetts, with Post-con Workshops June 6-10 at the Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill.
While the Conference is in full swing we will have or "Wax in Motion" exhibition kicking off Friday, June 3rd running through June 27th. This is a national juried exhibition. Open to all encaustic Artists. Juror is regional and national encaustic artist Kim Bernard.
Recognition Award One artist, whose work is selected and included in the Wax in Motion exhibit, will be offered a solo exhibit at Bowersock Gallery in the fall of 2012.